How To Cope With A Flat Tyre

If you end up with a flat tyre, it is important to know what to do. If you notice it at home or at work, it tends to be easier to switch to the spare tyre, not having to do it at the side of the road. If you decide to do the change yourself, you have a tool kit stored together with the spare tyre. Fasten the hand brake and loosen the lug nuts and then use the jack to raise the vehicle enough for you to change the flat tyre to a spare tyre. Fasten the lug nuts and lower the vehicle and then tighten the lug nuts securely. Take the flat tyre to a tyre shop to get it fixed. The spare tyre tends to be a temporary tyre, so it is not meant to be used for long distance driving, but will make sure you can get to a service station.

There are also tyres with run flat properties where you can drive up to 50km to get you to a service station. This comes in very handy if you experience a flat while you are out driving, or then if you don’t feel comfortable with changing the tyre by yourself. If you end up having a flat while driving, drive to the side of the road or an area where you can stop and safely change the tyre. You should have a warning triangle in the car, which should be used to warn other cars that there is a hazard on the road. Place the warning triangle at an ample distance behind your car to give oncoming traffic enough time to acknowledge the hazard. Also use the fluorescent safety vest, so that other cars can see you while you are working on changing the tyre. It can be done quite quickly and without too much effort. Once you have changed it you can drive to a tyre shop to get it repaired.

There are also canisters sold with foam that harden and fixes the tyres temporarily. It both inflates the tyre as well as seals any leaks. This is a quick fix and will only work if there is a smaller cut or hole in the tyre.

For more information on flat tyres, visit my website


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